
Consortium Leaders

Deborah Lupton, Vitalities Lab, UNSW Sydney

Sarah Pink, Emerging Technologies Lab, Monash University

Deb Verhoeven, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney

Other Members

RMIT University: Larissa HjorthJulian Thomas, Rowan Wilken

UNSW Australia: Janet ChanFleur JohnsLyria Bennett Moses (Law School)

Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University: Brett Neilson, Ned RossiterTanya NotleyLiam Magee, Amanda Third, Teresa Swist

University of Canberra: Glen Fuller, Sora ParkSarah Maslen, Mathieu O’Neil (News & Media Research Centre), Bruce Baer ArnoldWendy Bonython (Faculty of Business, Government and Law)

QUT: Jean Burgess, Axel Bruns, Nicolas Suzor, Patrik Wikstrom, Peta Mitchell (Digital Media Research Centre), Monique Mann (Faculty of Law)

Australian National University: Gavin Smith (School of  Sociology)

University of South Australia: Anthony Elliott (Hawke Research Institute), Carmel Taddeo (School of Education)

Monash University: Neil Selwyn, Deana Leahy (Learning with New Media Research Group), Brady Robards (School of Social Sciences), Shanti Sumartojo (Emerging Technologies Research Lab)

School of Arts and Humanities, Edith Cowan University: Lelia Green, Donell Holloway

Centre for Culture and Technology, Curtin University: Tama Leaver, Lucy Montgomery, Cameron Neylon, Amy Dobson and Michele Willson

Swinburne Institute of Social Research: Kath AlburyAnthony McCosker, Jake Goldenfein

University of Queensland: Nicholas Carah (School of Communication and Arts), Mark Burdon (School of Law), Adrian Athique (Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities), Paul Henman (School of Social Science)

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Technology Sydney: Maryanne Dever, James Meese

School of Humanities, University of Western Australia: Toby Burrows

Research for Educational Impact Centre, Deakin University: Luci Pangrazio, Julian Sefton-Green

Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, University of Wollongong: Katina Michael


Swedish Centre for Applied Cultural Analysis, Halmstad University, Sweden: Vaike Fors

Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Malmö University: Martin Berg

Mediaccions, UOC, Barcelona: Elisenda ArdevolDebora Lanzeni 

Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies, University of Bergen: Jill Walker Rettberg